One Heart Retreats
Spirit Online Directory
This is One Heart Retreat Center's gift to those who live outside the driving distance of a CSL Center. Having a spiritual community is vitally important. Just because we live in an area without a center, that doesn't mean we cannot have a spiritual community, we just need to create it online. The purpose of this resource is to be a one-stop-shop for online spiritual practice. We provide links to Sunday services, online classes, online gatherings, online meditations, online CSL Practitioner(RScP) sessions, Focus Ministries and downloadable spiritual apps (how cool is THAT?). We make every effort to keep the information current, and each center also provides a website where you can learn more about that group. Welcome to the wonderful world of online spirituality!
Sunday & Weekly Services
Pacific Time
8:30 am
10:00 am
11:30 am
CSL Santa Rosa
Sanctuary of the Spirit Virtual Ministry
9:00 am
9:30 am
10:00 am
CSL Beaumont
9:30 am
10:00 am
CSL Bonita
CSL Chico
9:30 am
10:00 am
Namaste CSL
9:30 am
10:00 am
Genesis CSL
9:30 am
10:00 am
CSL San Jose
9:30 am
11:00 am
Central Coast CSL
10:00 am
CSL Carlsbad
in person
10:00 am
Sun 10:00 am
Wed 7:00 pm
CSL Greater
Las Vegas
10:00 am
CSL Peninsula
CSL Palm Desert
10:00 am
CSL Simi Valley
10:00 am
Eureka CSL
10:00 am
Heart & Soul Center of Light
10:00 am
on Facebook
on YouTube
visit our website:
Huntington Beach CSL
10:00 am
Las Vegas CSL
10:00 am
New Thought Spiritual Center
10:00 am
10:00 am
10:15 am
Northern Lights Spiritual Center
More Pacific Time
CSL Capistrano Valley
10:20 am
Amazing Grace Spiritual Center
CSL Eugene
10:30 am
10:25 am
10:30 am
by teleconference
(Rev. Marilyn Miller initiates the call)
CSL Santa Cruz
10:30 am
click here to watch on YouTube
click here to watch on Facebook
Foothill CSL
10:30 am
Hilltop Spiritual Center
10:30 am
Center for Spiritual Awareness
11:00 am
click here to watch on YouTube
click here to watch on Facebook
11:00 am
6:00 pm
CSL Olympia
5:30 pm
Meditation & Exploration
on Facebook
11:00 am
CSL Seattle
First Church of Religious Science
11:00 am
Redondo Beach CSL
11:00 am
Seaside CSL
Sun 11:00 am
Wed 7:00 pm
Sofa Sundays
Sun 11:00 am
Spiritworks CSL
Sun 11:00 am
CSL Idaho Springs
9:30 am
CSL Grand Junction
9:00 am
10:00 am
Mile Hi Church
10:00 am
Everyday CSL
10:00 am
Santa Fe CSL
10:15 am
Calgary CSL
11:00 am
CSL St. George
11:00 am
Light on the Mountains CSL
Sun 11:00 am
Wed 7:00 pm
Central Time
Center for Universal Oneness
to watch
10:00 am
CSL Kansas City
to watch
10:00 am
10:00 am
10:30 am
11:00 am
Unity Church of Overland Park
Sun 10:00 am
Cityside Spiritual Community
10:30 am
CSL Dallas
on Facebook
10:30 am
Harmony Spiritual Center
10:30 am
SpeakEasy Spiritual Community
10:30 am
New Vision CSL
9:00 am
Unity Eastern Shore
10:30 am
Mountain Time
More Central Time
CSL St. Louis
11:00 am
CSL Nashville
12:00 pm
Spirit Uncensored
Raw Authentic Conversation
click here to join via Zoom
Eastern Time
CSL Greater Boston
10:00 am
9:15 am
10:00 am
SL Atlanta
Sun 9:30 am
Sun 10:00 am
CSL Charlottesville
10:00 am
CSL Space Coast
10:00 am
CSL St. Augustine
10:00 am
10:00 am
Unity of Naples
10:00 am
Unity Spiritual Centre Hamilton
10:00 am
CSL Princeton
Ahava CSL
10:15 am
10:30 am
on Facebook
CSL Ft. Lauderdale
10:30 am
10:30 am
CSL Greater Dayton
CSL Ocala
3:00 pm
CSL Philly
10:30 am
CSL Graham
11:00 am
CSL North Jersey
11:00 am
CSL Leesburg
11:00 am
3:00 pm Mondays
7:00 pm