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One Heart Metaphysical Research Library

6611 E. 128th St

Grandview, MO 64030-1987

(501) 825-0108

Access to One Heart Metaphysical Research Library, an interfaith library, available at no cost to all ministers, Practitioners, and students is by appointment only, throughout the week, except on Thursdays. Our current holdings include texts on Philosophy, Theology, World Religions, Spirituality, Quantum Physics, prayer, meditation, and other spiritual practices. We also have a selection of courses on CD, as well as spiritual and meditative music CDs. 


One Heart Metaphysical Library is not a lending library, but our availability is very flexible (in days and in hours), and we can accommodate small groups (2-8 people). We also have a small selection of books for sale on a love offering basis, and a large collection of back issues of Science of Mind magazine and many pamphlets that are available to take without cost.


The ultimate goal of One Heart Metaphysical Library is to have ALL of our holdings digitized and accessible online through our catalogue system, at all times (24/7/365) world-wide, at no cost to the users. As part of this goal we are building an internship program in collaboration with a local university's Library Sciences department, which we hope will grow into a much-sought-after experience for budding librarians.  


One Heart accepts donations of books, pamphlets, and CDs as well as monetary donations. Our purpose is to provide access to a wide variety of subjects, authors and formats to enhance the spiritual understanding of students and seekers world-wide. We are a 501c(3) non-profit, so any donations are tax-deductible. You might consider sponsoring the Library's digitization project, the Library Internship Program, or the Library's general operating fund.


You can call to schedule access on any day except Thursdays, between 9:00 am and 8:00 pm.


Tour the Library

Library Entrance

Library Entrance Stairs

North wall

Northwest corner

West wall

Conference table

Southwest corner

South wall

Southeast corner

East wall

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