“Now, in this moment, I recognize the unlimited expressions of [the] One. I am one of these expressions. I am the molecular vibration of Joy and Love – creating in the world a feeling of Peace and Harmony. There is nothing in between God and me. There is only One unlimited expression, forever changing, and unchanged.
I exclaim, “Look what God did over there!” There, that woman, man, or child. “Look what God did over there!” I see my neighbor, coworker, clerk at the grocery store, and teller at the bank as manifestations of God’s Love. “
We could add to this quote from Rev. Susan Heartlight, “I see every person in existence, every animal, every plant, every place and every experience as a manifestation of God’s Love”, and we would have established a perfect consciousness of peace in our hearts and minds.
I invite you to take 15 – 20 minutes to sit with attitude of awe and let it build into your outlook the vision of Godness in everything – how peaceful would that be - how irresistible?
Love and blessings,
Rev. Dr. Sharri